Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Let this be for you an encouragement, that with all diligence and earnestness it may become your habit to pray. For next to the preaching of the Gospel, in which God speaks with us and gives us all His grace and blessings, the highest and foremost work we can do is speak with Him through prayer and receive from Him what He gives us.  We have this great need of prayer, for by it we are truly able to keep what we have and to defend it against our enemies—the devil and the world. By our prayer we seek and find what we are to receive. Therefore prayer becomes our comfort, strength, and consolation, as well as our protection against all enemies and our victory over them.


~ Martin Luther


Exposition of John 16:23, 1537


Zion Lutheran Church is a church of prayer. That means, first and foremost, that we listen the Word of our Lord.  Because of the great mercy and love that God the Father has for His children, He has promised to hear the prayers of His people.

If there is someone or something you would like us to pray for, or include in our Sunday morning petitions, you can submit your prayer requests by clicking here.  
